

Saturday, February 5, 2011

17w2d - My fat calves

Hello my friends! Well, we surpassed the 17 week mark on Thursday and it was WONDERFUL to cross another week off of the calendar. This Thursday we'll be hitting the 18 week mark and I think we'll be ready to post another belly shot. It just keeps growing, growing, growing even though the baby only weighs about 4 or 5 oz at this point.

This week was a really crappy work week (yes, again) and it was disappointing that I couldn't go up to NY to visit the family this week due to lousy weather (again) so I was quite uninspired to write. Today though, I had an event that while humiliating and depressing was good fodder for my blog. Let me backtrack slightly.

Last week I had to go to Destination Maternity to grab some "professional" maternity clothes as I have a client flying in for a training this week. So I needed 3 days worth of decent looking maternity clothes (I like my maternity t-shirts and yoga pants but I don't think our corporate office would think those clothes appropriate.) So I got some outfits and spent way more than I'd like (this was to be expected at that store - though I must say, I do like how they offer you water or juice while you're shopping.)

Anyways, one of the outfits was a nice blouse, a black skirt, and a pair of black tights. I figured I'd wear this outfit with my black boots and voila, we have a nice looking outfit. Well today I realized that I don't have my black boots anymore. I think I chucked them last summer after I noticed that they'd seen better days. No problem though, we have a Payless & a DSW less than a mile from our house. So I trudge out in the rain this morning on my mission to get black dress boots.

And I failed on this mission...miserably. My stupid, fat calves wouldn't fit in any of the boots. WTF!!! I tried on pair after pair hoping one pair would be loose around the calves. Nope. Would one perhaps have "stretchy" leather or something that would allow the material to bypass the massive amount of flesh on my legs? Nope. None of them would fit. And I tried on lots. Do boot makers not think of women with swollen, pregnant legs?? Or just "bigger" calves in general?? WTF (again)!!! I left the store with my head hanging down ever so sadly (think Charlie Brown's walk) and I realized I will be wearing my loafers with my skirt later this week. Blech! Oh well, such is life with my newly fattened calves.

So after my horrible boot shopping experience, I drowned my sorrows at the library by picking out some books. (The library is one of my favorite places in the world.) Then I came home and made banana bread so I could drown my sorrows in that (and hey, my fat calves aren't going anywhere anytime soon.) Then I laid in bed all depressed and mopey and even cried. What a fun Saturday! Thank you ever so much fat calves and pregnancy hormones. :-(

1 comment:

  1. I can't fit those darn boots over my fat calves any day; and I'm not pregnant- SO annoying!!! Does no one have fat calves in the boot industry??
