

Friday, February 25, 2011

20w1d - More about the u/s & being Grammy A

Here is the 20 week belly shot!

And as of today, I've passed the 20 week mark, which would typically be the halfway point in a pregnancy. But for me, since we'll need to deliver a couple weeks early, it means I have about 18 weeks to go. In other words, we're starting our home stretch (albeit one that's going to feel like it takes forever.)

We're still in awe that we have a little girl in there and that we go to see how wonderfully she's developing. It's amazing to think that we saw all 4 chambers of her heart, her aorta, her stomach, kidneys, spine, brain, etc. They measured the 2 bones in her lower legs, her femurs, the bones in her forearms, the distance between her eye sockets, an area behind the brain, her skull, her abdomen, her nasal bone, etc. and used all of those measurements to calculate her age - which was 20 weeks. Since I was 19w5d on the day of the u/s, she's measuring right on track.

I ordered my Prenatal Cradel Mini-Cradle that the doctor recommended. (Found it on Amazon for only 14.95 so saved $10 there.) I also ordered a wedge to sleep on to elevate my upper half a little bit. So by next week we'll see if those are helping with my crampy/pressure and edema respectively. I also think I'm going to buy some carpal tunnel wrist braces tomorrow. My wrists and hands are really just getting more painful by the day and the doctor said if it gets really bad we could try steroids but we (and the doc) really want to avoid that if possible. So I'm going to see if some wrist braces while I sleep can help any.

Maribel is also kicking up a storm these last few days - woo-hoo!! Not hard enough to feel from the outside yet, but those hard kicks will be coming soon. I can't wait until they come because I'm dying for DH to feel them! As for her name since I've had a few questions about it - Maribel is a combination of Maria & Isabel, and DH suggested this one. It will be pronounced mare-ih-bell, though the Colombian side of the family will pronounce it mah-ree-vell. Jordana (the middle name we've chosen) we just found when searching for names one day and both loved it. It will be pronounded johr-dah-nah (vs. the alternate pronunciation of johr-dan-nah.)

So, this weekend I'm up visiting DD and my new grand-daughter (new abbreviation - DGD - Dear Grand-daughter) Madison. Oh, that Madison is a sweetheart. Poor thing though is fighting off some jaundice. We had to wake her every 2 hours last night to feed her (they want us to feed her that often to help flush out the excess bilirubin.) So DD would set the alarm on her cell phone for every 2 hours and we'd take turns changing, feeding, and getting Madison back down to sleep until the cell phone went off again. Somehow we're all still functioning today and I'm thinking of it as good practice for July. ;-) Right now, DD & DGD are at the hospital getting her bilirubin levels checked again. Thursday's number was slightly higher than Wednesday's and we want them to go down, not up. Hoping and praying they'll be back home soon and I don't get that tearful call from the hospital that they need to keep Madison there under the bili lights.

But it's WONDERFUL having another beautiful DGD to ooh and ahh over. She's a real snuggler too. She just snuggles right up on my chest, curls those legs up into a ball and sighs and squeaks while she settles into position for a nap. her! And I can't wait until my oldest DGD Lily comes over so they can meet. It will be fun to watch these two beautiful cousins grow up together. And soon their Auntie Maribel will playing right along with them.

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