

Thursday, February 10, 2011

18w0d - Busy, busy week

18 weeks today!!! And only 1 week and 5 days until our big ultrasound!!!

First off, I need to thank the wonderful ladies in my life who have told me that even in their non-pregnant state they can't fit their calves in most dress boots. And these are not large ladies - they're both as tiny as they come. So thanks Sis & Sis-in-law for making me realize that it's not my calves fault, but rather moronic boot designers/manufacturers who think all ladies have toothpicks for legs.

This week has been ridiculously busy. A client flew to our corporate office for training Tues - Thurs and so I had to make the drive back & forth each day to train them. It literally is only a 36 mile drive each way but the commute was anywhere from 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes - EACH WAY! So about 3 hours of commuting on top of a full day of training. I am soooo beat. One more busy day tomorrow (though thankfully no commute) and then I'll look forward to a quick visit with family. One of those Saturday to Sunday deals...never long enough, but I should get to have a longer visit when DD has her baby girl.

Still checking in on the baby's heartbeat every few days (LOVE IT) and still feel some gentle movement in there. No giant kicks yet and some days I don't feel anything but again, I feel it best if I'm really relaxed and just laying down (and relaxed has not been a word in my vocabulary this week.)

So here are some shots for you. Here is the 18 week belly shot. I swear it is getting bigger each day!!


Here's me & our dog Highspeed. I think he wanted to be part of the photo shoot.


And here we are - both smiling for the camera.



  1. Hi Amanda-

    I am from Icans blog and stopped by because we are going through a IVF--a FET we had a 3dt of 4 embabies on Thursday so I am 3dp3dt.

    Thanks for writing this I didn't know what to expect and Kelly told me to check out your blog.

    Moe (beck1009 on Icans)

  2. Moe - I've been wondering how you've been doing! Congrats on being in the 2ww and come on embabies, snuggle on in there! I've got everything crossed for you and please let me know how it goes.
