

Monday, January 10, 2011

13w4d - Yes, they were bullshitting

Staples are out! And my FB friends that said it's just a pulling feeling or that it tickled were completely bullshitting me. Ouch! Not pain that would cause me to scream (though the doctor jokingly let out a couple screams for me) but it is not a pleasant feeling. It was like a painful pinch 22 times. My best way of describing it would be like accidentally pinching already sore skin with tweezers, 22 times. Ouch! But they're out now and while my abdomen area is sore, the pully feeling from the staples is gone. Now I just have steri-strips over the incision for a few days and then the incision can just heal au natural.

Since my next OB visit would have been next Tuesday, Dr D decided to do all of the OB stuff at today's appointment and saved me a trip to Camden next week. So we did the routine stuff - weight, b/p, urine dip, questions I had, paperwork he had (since we'll now go on with him doing my OB care.) But before we did any of the routine stuff, we had our u/s and again just felt wonderful relief at seeing the little one. At first he/she was just curled up, laying on it's side. Then our little one started dancing away in there which of course made smiles appear around the room. Heartbeat was a healthy 150 and sounded magical. We're 13w4d today and one crown-rump measurement was 13w3d and another was 13w6d so baby is right on track.

We could also see the TAC on u/s - though for many minutes I seriously could not understand what the u/s tech was looking at...even as he was pointing it out to us. But in the end, in one view (as if we were looking at it straight on) it looked like a couple bright spots. In another view (as if you were to look at it from above) it looked like a perfect circle wrapped around my cervix. My cervix is holding up fine though once again I was thankful we had the surgery. The doctor was looking at the pics of today's u/s on his computer, making his measurements of my cervix and he turned to me and said "You really needed this surgery. You seriously have no cervix." Most measurements were around 2cm - some a bit more, some less, but no fantastically long cervix like you want to see in a pregnancy. Without the TAC, I would have worried every night wondering how much shorter my cervix was going to get and when. I'm so glad that no longer has to be a thought in my mind.

So now we have a LONG stretch with no appointments. We were going to do our next appt in 4 weeks, but they said if we stretched it to 5 we could do the big u/s then (and I'm hoping we can find out what the gender is then...ooh I can't wait.) But then when I got home and looked at the calendar I realized the appointment she gave me is 6 weeks away. So I'll call the regular receptionist (she'd stepped away so someone else helped me) and see if I need to move that up a week so we're at 5 weeks and not 6.

Tomorrow I'll post some pictures from today's u/s. I would it today but honestly, I'm beat. It was my first day back at work and 200+ emails and a handful of headaches later I just don't have the energy to scan pics. Instead, I think I'll just get my sore and newly un-stapled body to bed early tonight and dream of our little one dancing away in there.

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