

Thursday, January 20, 2011

15w0d - Uh oh, whiner alert

WOO-HOO, we've made it to 15 weeks!! We listened to baby's heartbeat on the doppler this evening because I've had a shitty day and really needed a smile. And yes, that magical sound brought a smile to my face. And now I'll start my bitching and whining.

Sorry, I generally try not to whine or complain too much but damn, I feel like shit today. For one - I really pulled something in my groin area yesterday. It's like round ligament pain but like ridiculously painful. Walking sucks, sitting sucks, laying down sucks - it's like a really bad burny pulled muscle feeling. And you know how it started? Because yesterday, dummy that I am, got up off the couch WAY TOO FAST. Note to self: You're pregnant. You cannot just get up from lying down on the couch to walking full stride in a single swift movement. You must first sit up, then stand up, make sure balance is in check, and then move forward. Fucking OUCH I tell you! I am such an idiot sometimes!

I'm also so damn itchy! My rash from my surgery has now turned into patches of eczema. Oh fucking joy! So it's a matter of trying to find an even distribution of prescription ointment, Gold Bond powder, Claritin, Aveeno baths, and scratching my skin until it bleeds and bruises. And to add even more intrigue to the mystery of my skin, the last few days I've had hives appear on my forearms in the afternoon. WTF???? I know, I seriously have no idea why they're appearing. I'm not eating new foods, using new products - nothing in my routine has changed. Yet each day I'll have 4-5 hives appear somewhere on my wrists or forearms and they appear around 3pm-4pm. They'll be there all evening and when I wake up in the morning they've nearly faded completely. Then later that day a new batch appears and the cycle repeats daily. I can't even begin to imagine what's causing them. Crazy stuff!!

I'm sleeping horribly - partially because I wake myself up itching from this damn eczema. The other part is I can't get comfortable. I know that's going to be a common theme until July being a pregnant woman, but right now when I lay on my side my belly hurts because it makes the area around the incision feel like it's pulling. I end up playing the toss-and-turn Olympics every night. So if I'm not awake itching, I'm awake peeing, or I'm awake trying to get comfortable. I'm up a minimum of 4-5 times a night doing one of these things. No wonder I've been exhausted lately.

Combined with my complaints above, work was a super sucky day (that seems to be the norm lately) and I wanted to rename my dog Mr. Misbehaving today. For some reason he thought that each walk of the day was going to be hours-long field trips to sniff around in the snow. So most of our walks consisted of him pulling me through snowbanks and me eventually dragging him back to the house when I couldn't take anymore (that damn painful groin had me limping along.)

Again, I apologize for my bitching but damn, I'm a big old miserable baby today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. It will be Friday so that's got to count for something!

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