

Thursday, January 27, 2011

16w0d - Q&A and another bump photo

Today marks 16 weeks, YAY!! Wow, it really seems like it's going fast. And only 22 weeks to go!

I get asked a lot of general questions so for others that are curious, here are my answers:
  • Do I have any food cravings? Yes, my major craving is cold fruit and really has been since the beginning of this pregnancy. Apples, citrus fruit (especially grapefruit), melons, berries. LOVE them all!
  • Do I have any food aversions? Yes, cooked vegetables. I don't mind starchy cooked vegetables like potatoes (white or sweet) and corn is tolerable. But I cannot stand broccoli, carrots, peas, green beans or spinach. No cooked vegetables please! (And I normally serve some kind of cooked vegetable with almost every dinner so this is really an odd aversion for me?)
  • How is my weight gain so far? I've gained around 4-5 pounds total so far. I'm ok with this amount and will be trying NOT to pile on the pounds over the next few months. I was overweight to start so I don't want to be a tank by the end of this.
  • How am I feeling now weeks out from my TAC? Pretty darn good! The skin around my incision is still quite sensitive so I find that I have to wear over the belly maternity pants or my old jeans with a belly band. Under-belly maternity pants fall right on the incision and that is SOOO NOT comfortable. But that's really my only complaint.
  • How does DH feel about my ever expanding baby bump? He LOVES it!! Whenever he sees me walk into the room he says "Honey, I just love that baby bump!"
  • Any stretch marks yet? No new ones, though I still have plenty of old ones from 22 years ago. I'm faithfully using my Palmer's cream every day in hopes to avoid any new ones. Will keep you posted on this as my stomach continues to expand to the size of a small country.
  • Will I work after the baby is born? Yes, but only part-time and will still work from home.
  • Do we have names picked out? Yes, we've actually had names picked out for 2.5 years. We picked them out around the time I had my tubal reversal surgery done in 2008. DH was in Missouri on a mission and I was visiting him. We were sitting outside the hotel in his car and somehow we got talking about baby names. (I guess at this point we were oblivious to all we'd go through to get to have a baby to name and thought that a baby would be quickly arriving. Wow, we got handed a different deck of cards huh? But hey, it's all good.) Anyways, if it's a boy he will be Johan Diego and it it's a girl she will be Maribel Jordana. Now we just have to hope that the little one cooperates at our 2/22 ultrasound to see whether it's a Johan or Maribel. Until then, we like to call the baby a combination name like Yobel (only written here with a Y to give it that Y sound like Johan has) or Marihan.

So that's some general info for you. I'll repeat some of these Q's & A's further down the road. I unfortunately forsee the weight gain and stretch mark questions having different answers later on in the pregnancy, but will report my findings to you, no matter how ugly the answers are.

And now onto the baby bump pictures. Once I get a few more, I'll put them in a slide show. But for now, so you don't have to scroll back over old posts to compare the bumps, I'll post the 3 I've taken in order so you can easily see the progression.




Getting bigger, getting bigger. :-)

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