

Thursday, May 19, 2011

32 weeks - I am one hot mama!!

And I DON'T mean sexy! No, I am a human furnace. New Jersey does not have a hot, tropical climate. This week it's been in the 70s, a bit humid, a bit rainy and yet here I sit sweating my ass off even with the air conditioning on. I generally wake up before 7am and by 8am, I get up from working to go put my hair up in a ponytail to try to stop my neck from sweating. I'll have shorts and a t-shirt on and pull the t-shirt up over my roasting belly. I must look soooo attractive to DH as I sit here in my glider/rocker all bare bellied and sweating. Actually, he does say I look pretty sexy but I think he must be pretty crazy. And to think, next week they're forecasting highs of 88 three days in a row - I'll probably drag my bikinis out of the closet to wear around the house in my attempt to stay cool. If I do, I'll see if I'm brave enough to post a pic for you...that could be quite comical for everyone involved.

Today I got to educate the cashier in the pharmacy at CVS on how unpleasant my eczema is. Just before heading out to the pharmacy, my left arm starting itching, but whatever - some body part is always itching these days. By the time I was at the cash register, I had a nice collection of bumps all over that arm. The cashier was like "Oh my goodness, what bit you?" Yep, that's the loveliness of eczema - after that initial scratching, it looks like a mass of bug bites. Then post-scratching it looks like a mass of scabbed bug bites. Soooo attractive! So I gave her a quick rundown of my itching misery and got home so I could pop a benadryl and get that ointment on my arm. I usually don't have to take a benadryl until bedtime but today was just super itchy start to finish. Therefore I spent my afternoon in benadryl coma - in other words, a zombie who after two hours cannot keep her eyes open, and then wakes up even more groggy than pre-nap.

Now I'm awake enough now to write about my day. Lucky you, huh? So 32 weeks today! That means c-section could be anywhere from 5-7 weeks away, WOW!! We are getting so close!! God, I seriously can't wait until she arrives!! I started washing the newborn to 3 month clothes this week. Two loads down and one more to go; then I'll move on to the larger sizes. After seeing how much she MAY already weigh, she may be moving into those larger sizes sooner than we think. My DGD Madison outgrew her 3 month clothes at 2 months old and I bet Maribel will follow suit.

But that also may mean she'll be in her cloth diapers earlier than I originally planned. Most folks say once their baby weighed 10 pounds, they started fitting nicely into the cloths so who knows. Maybe we'll be able to get away with just using the disposables we were given at our shower without having to buy any. That would be sweet!

So tomorrow I'll be off from work and I think I'll continue on with getting things done in the nursery. We got a gift card from one of my dear friends so last week DH and I went to Target and finished up getting some of the final things we needed. Things like a bottle drying rack, nipple cream, grooming kit, rectal thermometer, another box of disposable breast pads for when I'm out and about, a couple of toys, sippy cups, and sun shades for the car. Then I ordered various sized baby food containers from Amazon for when it's time to make our own baby food. So I still have quite a bit to open and put away in it's proper place. And now that clothes are in process of being washed, I can start getting those put away in her dresser. Then I'll start prepping the cloth diapers (need to wash them a few times before using to get them good and absorbant.) Oh, and I think I'll start packing the hospital bag, at least with the things that can go in now like outfits for the little one, nursing pads, toiletries for me, etc. Then we can throw in the rest (cell phone charger, camera, etc) when it's officially time to go.

So after the latest Target excursion with hubby, believe it or not, I think we're done shopping for our little one! Well, kinda...I do still need to get myself one more nightgown for nursing and a nursing sleep I'm ALMOST done, but those are items for me. But really, other than grabbing a second car seat for when she's a little older (so we don't have to do the car seat swap all of the time) we've got everything we need for her. Additional bottles and pacifiers we'll wait on until she's here and we see what kinds she likes best. So yes, we managed to get everything we needed before I leave my job in two weeks (and therefore no longer have a paycheck) so my "buying a few things each week plan" worked out very well indeed.

Well, have a good evening and I'll check in over the weekend!

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