

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

33w5d - Last week of work!

Hi there everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend. I had a great weekend. Spent time with folks and my DD and DGD out at my parents' farm which was a lot of fun and very relaxing. And it was awesome to babysit DGD on Sunday while my DD worked. I've been craving some Grammy A time so it was just what I needed. I also got to see some friends who I haven't seen in awhile as we went to town to attend the Memorial Day parade and ceremony.

I did have a few moments of ouchiness over the weekend. Sometimes just walking around is painful, especially when I'm having a contraction. The only way I can describe it is you're walking along and all of a sudden a bowling ball has been placed in the middle of your pelvic bones. It hurts to move any further and it hurts to not move. So I had that quite a bit over the weekend as well as just general achiness in the hips, legs, feet - just normal third trimester complaints. My ankles are starting to disappearing too and being replaced by cankles. Not pretty but that's to be expected.

Can you believe I'm on my last week of work??? After today, I'll just have 3 work days left. Wow, I'm soooooo excited!! I'm glad I started working really early this morning so I was able to finish my workday early too. This afternoon I've been quite crampy and it's the first time I've had enough contractions where I've actually started timing them. I moved to my glider/rocker (from my office chair since I had to do a training class this morning) and I think I'll move to a horizontal position momentarily with a big ole glass of water to see if that curbs their frequency. Figures they decide to pick up the week my doc is on vacation...oh Maribel, you little devil you. I'm sure they're just some practice ones since they're all over the place - 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 7 minutes, 8 minutes, 5, 4, etc... but it's definitely a reminder that the end is almost here.

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