

Thursday, March 10, 2011

22 weeks!

Another milestone today - 22 weeks! This would typically be the super scary time for pre-term labor, but thankfully with this TAC in place I'm getting through this 2nd trimester just fine. On one of the message boards I participate on, one lady just had her baby at 24w5d...sooooo scary! So far the baby is doing ok but the little one is only 1lb 5oz and 15 inches long. The mom's cervix started shortening at 19 weeks and at 24w5d she went to the hospital because she was having contractions. By the time she was checked, she was 4cm dilated. Within a couple of hours, despite meds and positioning to try to stop labor she was fully dilated and the baby's feet (breech) were coming through. The baby is going to have a long stay in the NICU (probably until June.) Poor little sweetheart! Stories like this just make DH & me even more thankful we decided to have the TAC surgery.

In some good news, my skin is looking much better! I still get a few hives per day but NOTHING like I had earlier in the week. And some of my patches of eczema seem to be getting better too. I've barely had to take any Benadryl which is wonderful and I've been sleeping better the last few nights. Oh, I'm not talking sleeping through the night - ha, ha, I don't think I'll be doing that for a few more years. BUT, to not wake up itching is wonderful!

Using my wedge pillow along with my wrist supports when I sleep is really helping with my hand edema/carpal tunnel. It's amazing to not wake up with painful, tingly hands. Because man, when they fall asleep with this carpal tunnel, holy shit does that hurt!!

So I'm just going to keep on using my ointment for my skin, using my wedge pillow and wrist supports for my carpal tunnel and enjoy the rest of my second trimester. Here's today's baby bump picture. It's funny because it actually looks smaller than my 20 week pic from 2 weeks ago but I guess it's becoming more of a defined bump now? Or maybe because it's moving higher up it looks different? I don't know, but I love my bump!


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