

Monday, March 28, 2011

24w4d - Hiccups and an unusual challenge

I'd say Happy Monday, but I don't know if that statement is really possible so I'll say Decent Monday! One great thing about today is that DH & I got to feel Maribel hiccupping! At first I thought she was just kicking, so I grabbed his hand and put it where she was kicking. Then it was coming on such a regular pattern we realized it was the hiccups. It was sooooo cool! Then DH decided to do a little shopping tonight and surprised me with a bunch of stuff. He got me a Boppy with a beautiful slip cover that matches our color scheme, a toy with a bunch of things for Maribel to play with/chew/etc. (and let me just say our dog had his eye on that item), a jumper (one of the doorway ones), and a video monitor. I LOVE the new stuff so thanks DH!!! Add those things to the clothes I got her on Saturday and her room is starting to look like a baby will be moving in soon. YAY!!!

The unusual challenge I experienced is a bit personal and a lot embarrassing. If you've been pregnant you know how difficult it is to clip your own toenails or tie your own shoelaces when you have a basketball-sized belly in the way. Therefore, you also may remember then how difficult it is to shave, shall we say - south of the border? (And no, I'm not talking about my legs.) DH was in stitches laughing as I explained how difficult it was to strategically place a mirror to be able to "see" what I was doing down there; to stand at a million different angles in the hopes that somehow I could see around my basketball belly. What normally would have taken 5 minutes tops turned into a 25 minute challenge. But with a little creativity and a lot of luck, I succeeded in my challenge and gave DH a good hearty laugh at the same time.

So I leave you tonight with that chuckle and I hope you all have a good week!

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