

Thursday, April 7, 2011

26 weeks!! Approx 11-12 weeks to go!!

WOW, 26 weeks!! It's a great feeling to have made it to 26 weeks. According to the baby sites online, our little Maribel should be around 1 and 2/3 pounds and about 14 inches long. I wish I could look inside to see her right now.

I hear some moms say their baby kicks all day long (one mom on a board I frequent said she counted 40 kicks in one hour from her little guy!) Maribel isn't THAT active, that's for sure. She still likes to kick really low - always below the navel - and some hours I don't feel her at all (must be her naptime.) But when she starts a kicking spurt, let's just say that girl has got a good strong kick! I've got a couple of weeks left until I start having to do kick counts so I'm not worried about her little gaps in kicking.

My new menu is bringing my mood down. Oh hell, to be quite honest it sucks ass!! It's only been a week and already I'm so sick of cheese and nuts and such. Thank god I like peanut butter because peanut butter toast (with low carb bread) has been my main staple. I am loving these Pink Lady apples I picked up (crunchy and tart - just the way I like them) but I am getting a little sick of having to pair my delicious apple with some cheese or nuts. I've tried to eat more meats but blech - I gave DH half of my tilapia on Monday night and half of my chicken Tuesday night. I tried some cooked green beans one night but could only stomach 5 of them before I dumped the rest in the garbage. I've behaved though - there is a FULL bag of Chips Ahoy cookies sitting in our kitchen since last Friday night and I haven't had a single one. Now, that's truly a feat for me!! I seriously, seriously hope that "little high" glucose level was a fluke that day and I can go back to eating normal foods again. Next appointment with the doc isn't until 4/19 and then I'd probably still have to be retested so at a minimum I've got a couple more weeks of this shit and at a maximum, 12 weeks (or whenever I deliver.) [Insert obnoxiously loud sigh here.]

Tomorrow I go back to the dermatologist for a re-check on my eczema and hives. It's definitely been better with the latest topical so that's something to be thankful for. I get 1-3 new patches of itchy eczema per day but at least I'm not covered like I was previously. So this will probably be a pretty uneventful appointment (I hate coughing up a co-pay just to tell them it's doing better) but I may as well get another prescription for my ointment while I'm there.

My online shopping (well browsing) for this week has been focused on two things - breast pumps and diaper sprayers. My DD just LOVES the breast pump she recently got. It's one of the electric Medela backpack ones so she can pump easily when she goes back to work. And since it does 2 boobs at once, she can pump in no time. So I'm considering getting that same model now that I have a real-life testimonial for it. And with the diaper sprayers, I'm just at the stage of reading reviews and comparing prices. So far from what I'm reading most people love them and who can blame them. I love the idea of having a sprayer hooked up to my toilet to spray the poop into the toilet instead of having to do the dip and swish. I remember the dip and swish and they're not fond memories, yuck!

Well, that's a lovely topic to end on right? Yeah, I'll get your mind off poopy diapers by showing you the latest belly shot. Here is my 26 week shot from this morning.


Notice how my boobs have not grown at all??? If anything, they look like they've shrunk. I'm still fitting fine in my B cups. Isn't that weird???

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