

Sunday, April 10, 2011

26w3d - A meltdown and some great soccer

26w3d and we're inching closer to 3rd trimester! Some say 27 weeks starts the 2nd trimester, some say 28 weeks...all I know is we're almost there. And that's a terrific thought.

So I've had a mixed weekend. Friday night was horrible! I had one serious fucking meltdown. I mean a meltdown of epic proportions! What was I so upset about? Maybe one should ask what WASN'T I upset about. Part of my problem was trying to figure out something to eat for dinner. Nothing sounded good. I was sick to death of PB toast and pickled eggs. I was also out of some of my staples - cold veggies, my yogurts, and no sugar added puddings. After getting aggravated, I decided we'd just order out from our favorite pizza/Italian place. After perusing the menu for no less than 45 minutes straight I couldn't find a single thing that sounded appetizing. So I went and grabbed DH a cheesesteak and got myself nothing. (I eventually ate a plate of PB toast and slices of monterey jack cheese.)

Another part of my problem was my itchy leg. I've had some really wicked patches of eczema flare up on my legs over the last week. I've got patches above each ankle bone and my right hip and thigh are actually bruised from itching. Anyways, my left leg started itching so bad I couldn't stop. I'd taken my Benadryl, I'd put on my ointment, I'd sat here with an ice pack to cool down the hot/itchy area and NOTHING was touching the itching. Nothing was even coming close to helping. I wanted to just shave my skin off, it itched so bad.

And so I burst out crying. I threw things. I shut myself in our bedroom to cry some more. Then in my anguish, I realized I wanted DH to hug me and tell me it would all be ok. But did I tell him this? No. Did I just walk up to him and give him a hug? No. I guess I expected him to become the ultimate mind reader and somehow KNOW that a hug would make me feel better. (Meanwhile he's sitting there in anguish because he feels helpless and doesn't know what to do to help me.) Anyways, when I didn't get a hug I yelled at him and he yelled back. Within a few minutes, we were both apologizing and I was soaking his shirt with tears and snot as we hugged. And just so you understand how odd this scene is for us - we've been together for almost 4 years and this is the 2nd time either of us have even raised our voice at each other. It's not that we don't ever disagree on things, we definitely do, it's just that neither of us are fightin' folks. So in taking after our only other loud disagreement in the history of "us", this "fight" lasted a total of 20 seconds. To my wonderful DH, thanks for tolerating your hormonal mess of a wife and I love you!

Saturday in comparison was outstanding! I restocked my kitchen with food I'm allowed to eat, made a trip to the library, got my car washed, got a pair of cushioned flip-flops for my swollen feet and went to a MLS soccer game. We're big fans of the Philadelphia Union and we rejoiced in watching them beat the NY Red Bulls. Awesome, exciting game (Union won YAY!!) and it was great to get out and enjoy a night of soccer. Maribel must have been wondering what the heck was going on outside the womb, what with the roar of the crowd and mommy jumping up and down when the Union scored. We also couldn't resist getting our girl the three-pack of Union onesies for her wardrobe shown at the top of this post.

Today has just been for relaxing and I'm loving it! The weather is nice, so pup & I have enjoyed a couple nice walks. And my voice is recovering from all the cheering from the game last night. Hope you all are having a great weekend (with no meltdowns in your worlds.)

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