

Thursday, April 28, 2011

29 weeks!!!

29 weeks and I'm feeling terrific!! I know I just did my bare belly shot at 28w5d, but here is my 29 week belly shot, clothed this time to spare your eyes.


So another work week is done, yippee!!! I'm loving these 4 day weeks and now I've only got 5 more weeks to go until my last day at work. Another yippee!!! I am really looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) so I won't be shedding any tears on my last day (though I will miss some individuals there.)

What else is new? Well, I'm really enjoying exercising. Yep, you heard me right...exercising. My SIL lent me Summer Sanders' Prenatal Workout and wow, I love it! It's actually a great fitness DVD. Up until the last couple of weeks my exercise was limited to walking my dog. But now that we've made it past the critical weeks I'm feeling more comfortable adding some fitness into my routine. So in addition to the many walks my dog requires, I've been doing one of the sessions every other day and on my off days just doing some stretches or light exercises. Thanks SIL, I'm really loving this and it's making me feel awesome!!

I also forgot to share with you a story from Sunday. Let me just say I'd like to send out an apology over the airwaves to those who had to try to read the thank you notes I sent them. Sunday morning I woke up and sat down with my thank you notes and addresses and started to write. I don't think I realized how challenging this would be with my hands that fall asleep. About two thank you notes in, my right hand was completely asleep and I had to put my wrist braces on (which of course limits the range of motion I have in my hands.) So with a right hand that couldn't fully move thanks to the brace and was fully asleep thanks to this carpal tunnel, I wrote out just over a dozen thank you notes. Now mind you, my penmanship without carpal tunnel and a wrist brace sucks - just try to read one of the notebooks I use when I'm on conference calls for work. But wow, add in these two additinal factors and these thank you notes were beyond horrible penmanship. They were atrocious! So hopefully those that received them have magical abilities to read really lousy handwriting.

So tomorrow I'm off from work and yet I'll be waking up before dawn to watch the royal wedding. Call me crazy but I've always loved the royals. Then, like I mentioned the other day, I really need to tackle the nursery so I can walk through it. There's a small TV in there from when it was a guest room and that's gotta move out. But I can't get far enough into the room to unplug it. There's a big TV in the corner that just needs to go away permanently...DH will have to do that heavy lifting. Our vaccuum's in there somewhere but has a date with the dumpster since it stopped working this past weekend. Beyond the pack-n-play there's a desk with my printer. I really need to get to that desk next week for some trainings I need to do...once it's freed from breast pads, pumps, rattles, and such. The changing table is piled high with clothes. And I must find homes for things like the stroller, car seat, pack-n-play, swing, toy box, bathtub, and such so we can actually access this room with it being a danger zone.

So that's it for me. I'm still super excited about my visit to see my girlfriends in RI on Saturday. Wonder how many times I'll have to stop to pee on that trip? My guess? WAY too many!! Ah well, such is life. Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll check back in after my little adventure.

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