

Saturday, April 23, 2011

28w2d - Assembly day

What started as a rainy day here has turned into a real beauty! Wow, I'm actually sweating it warmed up so much. I'm sure you really wanted to hear about my sweat, sorry.

I used the rainy morning to my advantage though and decided to assemble some baby furniture. Holy shit that was hard! Now mind you, I've assembled an entire apartment full of IKEA furniture, plus about a million entertainment centers, tables, chairs, dressers, bookshelves, etc in my lifetime but nothing was more complicated than the stroller and pack-n-play. I repeat, holy shit!! The instructions included no words and horrible diagrams but somehow I muddled through and they are now both assembled and ready for baby. And they do look awfully cute so in the end they were worth the aggravation. Now the challenge becomes "where do we fit all of this baby furniture???" I also made up the crib with the bedding I'd washed yesterday and washed a load of receiving blankets, washcloths, and hooded towels. Things are starting to come together.

So far my glucose readings have been awesome. I had one really high reading after lunch yesterday but all other readings have been below the cutoffs. Yesterday's lunch was within the carb limit I'm allowed, but apparently my body did not know what to do with the corn dog, 10 french fries, and juice-glass of skim milk. Therefore my level after 2 hours was 162 when we wanted to see it under 120. But other than that one meal my levels have been super so I'm interested to see what the nurse says when I email her my levels on Monday.

Well, must figure out dinner soon so I hope you all are having a great weekend!

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