

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

27w5d - Officially joining the GD!!!

Yep, I officially have gestational diabetes. Blah!! I was hoping when Dr D said my level after my 1-hour glucose screening was a little high, he was being overly cautious. But no, my level was 151. Not good! Combine that with my level on Saturday (SIL had her meter handy and we checked my level 1 hour after eating...135) and level is remaining high. So he's added gestational diabetes to my list of issues. Thursday morning I'll go to a diabetes class and get set up with my glucose meter. Hopefully I'll be able to control my levels with diet and exercise and not have to move into insulin land. Dr D could tell I've been working hard with following the GD diet when my weight stayed where it was 4 weeks ago. In fact it went down 4 tenths of a pound. He's set a goal for me to stay at this weight for the rest of the pregnancy. If I can stay where I'm at, that would put my total weight gain between 15-16 pounds. That sounds great to me!!

In other news, he was quite alarmed to see how much I've butchered my skin with scratching my eczema. He saw a patch on my torso when he was checking Maribel's heartbeat and I said "oh yeah, it's my itchy eczema. I've been scratching all over." Well once he saw my back (that looks like I've been attacked by a tiger) he really got concerned. Then he saw my beat up legs, shoulders, etc and said we have to do something. His concern is with infection setting in. I already have a slew of little sores from the eczema, some with redness around them already so we have to do something that will stop the itching. Long story short, I'm now on methylprednisone twice a day. The dermatologist had wanted to do a similar treatment but was worried with me being a high risk pregnancy. Knowing my perinatologist has prescribed the treatment, I'm feeling ok about taking it.

So other than my diabetes class on Thursday, I'll go back to see Dr D on 5/19 for my next prenatal visit. At that appointment we'll also have a growth scan done to see how big the baby is. This will be especially important with the GD diagnosis as GD can cause big babies. I can't wait to see how big Maribel will be at that point. I'll be exactly 32 weeks at that appointment.

Three cool things from my appointment. 1) My BP was 112/68...glad to see THAT doesn't have to be added to the list of issues. 2) While in the waiting room, I was flipping through a year-old issue of NJ Monthly. And as I turned the page I see my aunt's smiling face looking at me. She's a chef, cookbook author, and former test kitchen director for Gourmet magazine and there was her picture and an article about her. Pretty cool!! 3) As Dr D was walking me out he wanted to introduce me to someone in the waiting room. A young woman was there for her TAC consult. She told me she'd lost 3 babies due to incompetent cervix and was so thankful for the TAC. Seeing me with my TAC at 27w5d made her smile...after all, who doesn't like seeing a real-live success story. And it warmed my heart because here's a woman who has been through 3 losses telling me she'll say an extra prayer for me. What a sweetheart and I'll be hoping and praying for her TAC success story too.

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