

Monday, April 18, 2011

27w4d - What a WONDERFUL baby shower!!!

Wow, who knew how exhausting a baby shower could be! :-) We drove up to my parents' house in NY on Saturday and drove home last night so that could have something to do with my exhuastion. Maybe it was all the excitement, smiling, talking, and laughing at our shower. But wow, I can't remember the last time I HAD to take a nap because I couldn't move my body for another second. Today, I was wiped out!

The weekend was WONDERFUL!! We were glad to get up there Saturday and spend some time with my parents and my brother & SIL who are expecting in May. My SIL & I been messaging a lot during the pregnancy so it was really nice to spend time in person, us two preggo ladies. She's been tackling gestational diabetes and was a sweetheart to lend me a prenatal workout DVD since exercising after meals helps keep her sugar down. She also gave me some delicious chocolates from Trader Joes that are low carb and oh, so heavenly. After all, you have to treat yourself to a little desserty treat to not feel completely deprived. We checked my sugar on her meter after lunch Saturday and mine wasn't so great (135 when we wanted to see it below 120) so again, I'll be interested to see what Dr D says tomorrow about my glucose levels at my next prenatal visit.

Saturday evening my sister and her family arrived and as a massage therapist, she treated me to a prenatal massage. I'm a big fan of massage and my goodness, this one really delivered. She found sore spots I didn't even know I had and taught DH a couple things he could do to help me get those sore spots out and try to keep my edema in check. It just felt sooooo wonderful so thanks J!

Sunday morning we went to our local firehouse pancake breakfast. They hold it 4 Sundays a year and in our family it's a tradition to drag your butt out of bed early in the morning and get there to feast. While I've been good with my diet, this was one splurge I wasn't going to miss. And I'm glad I didn't, those pancakes were AWESOME!! A little later that morning, DD & DS and their DDs arrived before the party so we could all spend some time together before it got crazy. Those DGDs of mine are growing up so quickly!! And then later that afternoon it was time for the party. Here are some pics:

Here's a couple pics of the proud parents-to-be (me & DH) taken before the guests arrived:

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The shower itself was amazing! My younger sister J made us a gorgeous diaper cake and I must say my sisters, mom, and DD outdid themselves with the food. It was delicious! I got to spend time and visit with relatives and friends I hadn't seen in a very long time. It was so nice to catch up and just smile and laugh at stories and updates from everyone. And I really liked having a joint baby shower with my brother & SIL. It's so cool that there will be cousins born just a few weeks apart. Combine that with my 2 DGDs and we'll have babies everywhere at the holidays, yay!!

Here's a pic of our little family - 3 generations and our last little addition on the way. DH, me, my DD and her DD, my DS and his DD.


All of the gifts we received were so thoughtful and beautiful. We loved every one of them! We got our crib bedding (can't wait to wash that and get the crib made up), the travel system, bathtub and all the supplies we'd need to bathe little Maribel, adorable white and colorful onesies, sleepers in shades of pinks, the cutest little summer dresses and outfits, booties, socks, and slippers that make you go ooh and awww, toys, a picture frame (that holds an ultrasound pic and a baby pic), a fabric wall hanging where you can insert pictures of "first" events, bibs, a little sheep that plays sounds (like a heartbeat, whales, etc for baby's room), diapers, burp cloths, and wipes. All amazing stuff!!! Here are a couple shots (had to take two pics to fit everything.)

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My friend M who I went to highschool with (she attended my very first baby shower 22 years ago) has been a faithful blog reader and supporter of ours during this pregnancy and I was so happy she could be at our shower. One of her gifts just touched my heart because, Maribel, you really are kind of a big deal sweetie. Thanks M!!


All in all, it was a fantastic shower and a fantastic weekend. We're so thankful for everyone and everything. Hugs to you all xoxo!!

Tomorrow is my next prenatal visit with Dr D so I'll report in tomorrow night to let you know how the appointment went.

1 comment:

  1. You are so VERY Welcome! Can't wait to see her in it!!
