

Thursday, April 14, 2011

27 weeks - sad last few days

27 weeks today, yippee!!! 10-11 weeks to go!!! And only 7 more weeks until my last day of work, also an exciting milestone I'm looking forward to. Today I submitted time off requests to take one day off per week, so in addition to my countdown I can look forward to 4 day work weeks from here on out. Heavenly!!

I'm in a pretty crappy mood and don't want to pollute cyberspace too much with my whining and pissing and moaning. But I'll pollute it a little. Work ticked me off today and that lead to my eczema itching out of control which led to blood getting all over my pantleg which led to me having to take a shower early this evening so I could put a fresh batch of ointment on my newly clean skin. Sucky afternoon, that's for sure.

It's been a sad few days this week for some of my message board friends. T, who had her tubal reversal surgery 7 years ago, got a BFP last week. She's had 3 miscarriages in the past and no take home babies post-surgery. And this week she found out this pregnancy was an ectopic. Luckily, last I heard it was resolving itself without surgery, but it's still a painful loss. M, who is about 23 weeks pregnant with twins just found out yesterday that her smaller twin has passed away. Thankfully her other twin is doing fine, but it's a terrible loss. Especially when she lost her son when he was a week old, just one short year ago. Then I've been emailing back and forth with E who lives in Spain. She is traveling all the way from Spain to NJ in July to have Dr Davis place her TAC (another testament as to how far people will travel for Dr D's expertise.) She has lived through 3 second trimester losses - all between 20-23 weeks and all in a 3 year span. What strength this woman has to make it through 3 losses that far along. I pray for a safe trip for her in July and that her surgery allows her and her husband to finally experience parenthood - they so deserve it. If you have a spare prayer or positive thought available, T, M, and E could always use an extra prayer.

Wanna hear something silly? A stupid car commercial is compounding my sadness over the heartbreaking stories from this week. You may have seen the ad, but the wife walks into the room with her positive pregnancy test and says "we're going to have a baby." The man goes out to the driveway to "stretch" out his sports car to fit their growing family. Damn, it's that easy?? I wish that the women I know could see a positive pregnancy test and know they're going to have a baby. But when you've dealt with infertility and/or multiple losses, a positive pregnancy test does not equal "we're going to have a baby". It means "we have a positive pregnancy test." Even as far along as I am, now at 27 weeks, I still guard myself at times. I think once they put Maribel in my arms (or I get to kiss her little head as I lay there getting stitched up from my c-section) then I'll really feel like we're going to have a baby. Oh, what a spectacular day that will be.

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