

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

28w5d - My funny looking belly

Coming up to 29 weeks in just a couple days, woo-hoo!!! I've had a couple quiet days here with not much to report and really have nothing earth shattering but thought I'd check in with the latest.

My sugars have been really good. I had one more bad reading on Sunday (a 176 when I want to stay under 120) but that was because we went to the diner for lunch. I was dying for some french toast with syrup so that's what I had. 2 slices of french toast, syrup, bacon, and decaf - and it was DELICIOUS!! I was surprised to see that reading of 176 a full two hours after eating so I don't think I'll partake in that meal again until after the baby arrives. But it did taste good and I guess it was my weird "reward" for not having any Easter candy. Yeah, that's messed up logic, huh? Anyways, I emailed the nurse my results for last week and she said they looked good and just to watch what I eat (I did note for her what I ate on both occasions that my sugar was over the limit so I admitted to my guilty pleasures.)

The baby's room is now officially full of stuff. All of that furniture I assembled over the weekend? Yeah, it's now all piled in the nursery. As is the new stuff UPS just delivered yesterday, like the swing and the toy box. I think on Friday I'll spend some time organizing things a bit. My in-laws are coming to visit next weekend and while the former guest room is now the nursery, I'm hoping to at least clear enough space to put an air mattress in the nursery for the visit. And if that doesn't work, we could at least fit luggage in there and we'll be having them camp out in our living room. Sometimes having a small apartment does have its cons.

I'm getting super excited for this Saturday. I'm going to spend some much needed time with my friends A, K, & M - all Army wives or girlfriends in RI who I've missed soooo much while being down here in NJ. I see M on a pretty regular basis when she comes to visit her hubby down here but I haven't seen A or K in so long. It will be great to catch up with all three of them, laugh a lot, and relax my pregnant self while I still have the opportunity to relax. And I really want to see them while I'm still feeling well enough to make the trip up.

So on to the subject line of this post - my funny looking belly. Up until now, I've shared my belly shots but they've always been a clothed belly. Well today I'm treating you (or scaring you with) the real thing. I swear I have the weirdest pregnant belly - my belly button sticks out now which is to be expected. But I also have a big indentation around my navel. Then I have a part of my belly above the navel that sticks out (that's where I may have that umbilical hernia.) The whole thing is just bizarre looking. As you can see my old faded stretchmarks are still hanging around but no new ones yet. I'm hoping I've already had enough for a few lifetimes - I really don't need anymore. So here it is - my funny belly:


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