

Thursday, October 28, 2010

4dp3dt...Hmmm...Crazytown's not so far away

1 week until beta date!!! No, I have not caved yet and POAS. But I will admit...I've thought about it a LOT more in the last 24 hours. Oh heaven help me, there is no way I'm going to make it until my original goal of Tuesday! Maybe Monday is a more realistic goal. Or Sunday?? Did someone say tomorrow???

Last night I asked DH how he felt about me POAS. After all, he's greatly involved in this whole process and he heard the nurse recommend we not POAS (tests can be inaccurate, negatives can bring you down, etc.) He actually would rather I wait for the blood test instead of POAS. But when I offered to wait (and just so you know, that took every bit of courage I could muster to offer that) he said he knows it would be like some form of horrible, awful torture for me not to POAS. (Insert giant sigh of relief and a loving gaze at DH.)

So then I offered to tell my blog readers about my POAS results but not him. But we realized that wouldn't work. 1) Because he likes to read my blog. Awww, thanks hun! 2) We think he'd have some idea of the results when his parents called with joyous congratulations.

So my last offer was that I would POAS and would not tell him or my blog readers. I'd leave you all in the dark. Well, DH just laughed out loud at that option and gave me a hearty "yeah, right!" I have the world's worst poker face. I can't hide a thing. As he put it, "yes, I couldn't possibly know the results as I watch you out skipping with pup, waving your hands in the air, with an ear-to-ear smile." Oh, he knows me so well...because that is exactly what I would be doing!!

So POAS it will be, but the question becomes "When?" Now, in my first paragraph I mentioned possibly testing tomorrow. Why would someone do this? Well, remember the trigger shots which I took 36 hours before egg retrieval? Those 2 trigger shots contain the hCG hormone - that's right, the same hormone that is detected in pregnancy. If I POAS tomorrow and get a negative result, that indicates that the remnants of the trigger shots have left my system. Which further means that any BFPs after that point are truly pregnancy hormones being detected and not the remains of the trigger shots.

So you see it's all really very logical to start POAS tomorrow. I mean it makes perfect sense, right? Oh, I am so ridiculously lacking in willpower. How do you all put up with me??

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