

Friday, October 22, 2010

We're 3 for 5

The nurse called with our fertilization report and 3 of the 5 fertilized! We have 3 little embabies growing a couple towns away from us.

I think if the news had been that only 1 or 2 fertilized, my PMA (positive mental attitude) may have taken a ding. But having 3 fertilized at this point is keeping us optimistic. All 3 may not make it to transfer, but there's a good chance that at least a couple will.

So today (Day 1) our 3 embies showed fertilization. By tomorrow (Day 2) - if they continue to grow & divide normally - they should be 2-4 cell embryos. Now, we wait until tomorrow's report to see how they're all still growing.

I swear the IVF process is like a slow form of torture. Don't you agree??


  1. You are doing great, you know only 2 of my 3 mature fertilized and both turned into great 5 day blasts and even though we don't know how this will play out, I did get pregnant. So I think you are definitely ahead of the game! I agree it is a slow torture and I can tell you know to worry but I know better LOL. You are officially in the 2ww and it's more intense that the usual tww wait that's for sure. You've got this!!

  2. Brandy - thanks so much! I hope you hear good news on your results. You've been on such a rollercoaster lately, I just want a very happy ending for you.
