

Friday, October 8, 2010

Game On!!!

Woo-hoo!!!! We got the go-ahead!!!

Basically for these ultrasound (u/s) /blood work (b/w) checks, there aren't appointments, you just show up anytime between 7:15-8:45 and it's first come, first serve. I arrived at the doctor's at 7:15 this morning and the waiting room was already packed, WTH!! After a few minutes and a few flips of the page in a recent Redbook magazine I was called to the window to pay my $7541.00. It was nice how the receptionist whispered the amount to me so everyone in the waiting room didn't realize I was now flat broke.

A few minutes later, I was called in for my b/w- no problemo there - then was moved to another waiting room. About 20 minutes later, I was called in for my ultrasound. The RE that did my surgery was on this morning so he did the ultrasound and I was very, very excited to hear my antral follie count was 7!!! Remember a week and a half ago it was only 4 so I was tickled pink to have a few more in there now. Everything else on my u/s looked good - no cysts, uterine lining measured 8 and as long as the b/w came back fine, I'd be starting stims tonight.

Next stop was across the hall so the nurse could review all of my meds with me. We basically just went through what I had to use now and when all the others would come into play. She also showed me how to mix my meds and do the injections (I was glad I watched the videos again last night, because now between the videos and watching the nurse, I think I've got it down.) She gave me my initial dosage - 375 iu (5 vials) of Bravelle and 150iu (2 vials) of Menopur each evening and reminded me that I'll go back Tuesday morning for my next u/s and b/w. Then I headed home to wait for the call to see if the b/w came back ok.

Got the call a few minutes ago and b/w came back fine (YAY!!) However, something must have caught their eye in the b/w because they told me to use 6 vials of Bravelle (450iu) instead of 5 (and still do the 2 vials of Menopur.) This is a pretty large dose of stims - large enough where I'll have to do 2 injections each evening. So in order to "involve" DH in the process more, I think I'll have him give me one of the injections each night and I'll give myself the other one. What husband wouldn't get a kick out of this??

So I'll definitely let you know how the first mix and inject session goes. Maybe I'll even get a pic in here of me as the mad scientist. Woo-hoo it's really, really starting!!!!

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