

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My bouncy house is not in Crazytown...yet

Today is 3dp3dt (3 days past 3 day transfer) and we're inching ever so much closer to beta day. T-minus 8 days and counting!! And about 6 more days till I POAS (well, hopefully 6 if I have enough willpower.)

So how am I feeling??? Emotionally - I'm still really chill. Quite honestly, I am surprised (and pleased) with this mellow mood. I figured I'd be in Crazytown by now. Actually I thought I'd be a nervous wreck immediately after transfer. I pictured me all crazed and unkempt, staring at November 4th on the calendar and wavering each minute between elation and depression like I'd been suddenly stricken by multiple personality disorder. Ok maybe not quite that bad, but I did expect to be much more nervous than I am now. Instead, I'm enjoying DH talking to the babies through my stomach! I'm enjoying the fact that we may have a baby (or babies) bouncing around my uterus like it's one of those inflatable bouncy houses you rent for a kid's birthday party. And tonight, once he/she/they get tired of bouncing, they may find the perfect spot to implant. Yeah, right Amanda, I'm sure that's exactly how it works. ;-)

Physically I'm bloated (hence having to unbutton these damn jeans as I type this), a little crampy (pinchy cramps), slightly nauseous, and my boobs feel like I just ran 10 miles without a bra on. Now you and I know I there is no chance in hell of me ever running 10 miles so technically I wouldn't know how that feels, but you can imagine it, right?? Yeah, OWWW!! So I'm starting to feel all of these lovely "symptoms" that aren't really symptoms at all. They're just effects of those lovely progesterone suppositories I'm taking. Oh progesterone, that's just not nice! But since you are providing the cushion for my uterine bouncy house, I'll tolerate your effects with a smile.

Tomorrow at 8am I go to the doctors for some quick b/w. This is just to check my progesterone and estrogen levels and if either are low, they'll adjust my meds accordingly. So I'll report back any progress or problem with that and keep you posted on how things are going. Hopefully I'll still be chill, but no promises...I may be only steps away from Crazytown.

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