

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Transfer tomorrow!!

Call from the nurse this morning reported that all 3 embies are still growing - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we're going to go ahead and do a 3-day transfer tomorrow morning - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I am so relieved!! I mean I know it's great to grow them out longer to a 5-day transfer when they become blastocysts, but it's not uncommon to only have 50% make it to the blast stage. With only 3 embies, I'd rather just get them out of their current incubator in Marlton NJ and get them into their 9 month incubator named Mommy.

So at 7:30am tomorrow I will empty my bladder for the last time and drink 18oz of water. A somewhat full bladder is needed since they use abdominal ultrasound to help the RE know where to deposit the embryos. We'll arrive at the RE's at 9:15am for a 9:30am transfer. I'll definitely report back on how the transfer process actually went, but from what I know so far there is no sedation and it's a relatively quick process. We'll find out the grade or quality of our embryos, discuss how many will be transferred, and sign off on that number. The embryos will be loaded into a catheter that will be put through my cervix into the uterus. DH will be in the room with me during the entire procedure and after the transfer I will lay on the table for 30 minutes. Then my bed and I will become best friends as I basically go on bedrest for a couple days.

Today I think I'll tackle some housework so DH doesn't get stuck doing it all (after all, he's going to have to wait on me hand & foot for a couple days...sorry hun) and get my bedrest supplies ready - books, magazines, movies, charge my Nintendo DS, etc.

And God, I hope you don't mind but I'll be sending up more prayers that our 3 wonderful, much-loved, little embies keep on growing strong.

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